its late

Nothing to do with the photo ..This was taken by me last week in Brisbane at last light of the day...

Its late and I had a very strong message from "God knows who" when I was visiting a spiritual place yesterday...WTF I personally don't really understand if such a place exist...any way the message really made sense...

As I bowed down to pay respects to Guruji and as usual I did not ask anything...just give praise and thanks for my bountiful life when a voice spoke to me asking "U sure U dont want to ask anything????" And it dawned why yes life is not perfect..I have every material thing I need and more then what most people have but I think I have MANY things that I dont need....ANGER and EGO...and HOW they are both SO related i ask Him ...YES I DO have something to ask....please PLEASE remove my anger and EGO....and yes they are related....

Its NOT about what happened or what that person said or did to you no no!!! ...its about how YOU reacted to it....YES !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! so LOOK ......really LOOK into yourself..stop complaining about what other people do. Stop spending your limited life energy mulling over how imperfect people around u are...look into your ownself..Something very hard to do because most people just cant look beyond their own egos...and that is my daily challenge...WHETHER am i really looking into myself or is this my superficial ego speaking.. When I look deep down I know its always my own imperfections that bring me down..So what if I have to deal with egoistic people everyday ...They can only effect me if I allow them to and if I let my EGO take control...If my ego is no where in my viewfinder then whatever people do does not matter...

Life is simple....our EGO complicates it ...have a nice week


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